Independent Coach & Mentor
Armstrong Consultancy
Melanie Armstrong:
a qualified person-centred coach, mentor & supervisor
I am Melanie Armstrong, a qualified person-centred coach, mentor and supervisor with over 25 years’ experience. Now, as an independent consultant, my passion is to coach or mentor people to grow and develop their confidence, skills, knowledge and behaviours to be the best versions of themselves. Seeing people progress in their personal and/or professional lives is a truly motivating and fulfilling experience for me.
The reason I believe in this work is because I know I can make a difference to someone’s life and career.
So, what are my values as a consultant?
I am a DAB hand at helping others:
- Determination
- Authenticity
- Balanced
Determined – whatever goals and challenges you present with at your first coaching or mentoring session I will be determined to find a way through them with, and for, you.
Authenticity – I will offer you a dependable, reliable and trustworthy service, based on my principle of being the very best that I can be.
Balanced – whilst working together we will forge a partnership built on balanced feedback. Openness about how we are experiencing each other as coach and coachee, mentor, mentee, supervisor, supervisee will strengthen the relationship, build trust and enable greater work to be achieved.
In the words of Henry Marsh, CBE, FRCS, neurosurgeon and author: ‘Anxiety might be contagious, but confidence is also contagious’.
My overall goal as a consultant is to bring about confidence for the learner, be it coach, mentor or supervisor. By offering a safe space for the client to reflect, review and reframe their thinking will enable them to make informed choices and grow their confidence to achieve their desired goal(s).
Here are my credentials:
- Member of the Association for Coaching
- Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Board Member of the Scottish Mentoring Network (SMN)
- Advance HE Associate
- Retired Fellow Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD)
- Senior Authorised Facilitator with the Bridge Pastoral Foundation
My Professional Indemnity Insurance is with Holistic Insurance Services
My coaching supervision is with Ted Campbell
What is Armstrong Consultancy?
Armstrong Consultancy is a new independent business based on 25 years’ learning & development and organisational development specialist experience working in the private and public sector.
Armstrong Consultancy offers:
- Coaching and mentoring 1 on 1
- Coaching and mentoring supervision 1 on 1
- Set-up of coaching or mentoring services
- Personality assessments
- Action learning sets
Working with organisational teams is also available upon further discussion.
Specialist knowledge areas include:
- Managing imposter syndrome
- Developing personal resilience
- Developing personal effectiveness
- Handling conflict
- Women’s leadership development
Over the last 10 years I have led the establishment of two mentor pools, with 50 mentors collectively. Mentoring supplemented participants’ development on two transformational leadership programmes which I held lead responsibility.
I have mentored and coached over 30 staff, formally and informally, during my professional career. Mentees included professional administrative staff, directors, seniors managers and executives.
I supported over 130 staff on one of the leadership programmes by developing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities and events. I recently led the successful collaborative submission of three university mentoring programmes to achieve the Scottish Mentoring Network (SMN) Quality Award. This work culminated in me achieving the Common Good Award from the university’s Principal in 2022.
I am a Board Member of SMN Scottish Mentoring Network
Publications to date:
This article first appeared in the July 2024 issue of Coaching Today, published by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. ©BACP 2024.
Armstrong, M (2021); ‘A Plan for all Seasons’. Coaching at Work 16(1) p.40-43)
Available at:
Coaching & Mentoring
ILM | Coaching and Mentoring qualifications (
ILM level 5 Coaching and Mentoring qualified, I will offer you a space for growth and reflection in whatever context – personal, professional and/or career development purposes. My person-centred approach to coaching comes from my counselling qualification attained in 2004.
Whilst I am not currently practicing in that capacity my therapeutic learning very much influences my coaching style and approach. I can also support organisations to set up mentoring services, using my professional certificate in co-ordinating mentoring programmes, and can offer team coaching upon further discussion.
1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring
Models used are GROW The GROW Model of Coaching and Mentoring – Skills From and Egan’s Skilled Helper 3-PHASE-SKILLED-HELPER-MODEL.pdf ( and they are offered in a flexible way to meet the needs of the client.
Coaching and Mentoring Supervision 1 on 1
Supervision is offered through the Seven-Eyed Supervision Model developed by Professor Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet in 1985 Peter Hawkins´ Seven Eyed Supervision Model – Association of Coaching Supervisors.
Engaging in this work clients will develop their confidence, skills, knowledge and behaviours as a supervisor.
Furthermore, this signals to supervisees a commitment to ongoing personal development as a practitioner whilst offering a quality-assured client service.
Set-up of Coaching or Mentoring Services
Support can be offered to businesses looking to establish coaching or mentoring services. Guidance on the development of policy, processes and procedures is available, including ideas for matching, monitoring and evaluating the service.
As a Board Member of the Scottish Mentoring Network (SMN) I can also direct you to relevant SMN training services.
Personality Assessments
A range of personality assessments can be offered to facilitate further growth and development for coaches, mentors and supervisors. These include:
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) The Myers & Briggs Foundation – MBTI® Basics (
The MBTI profile offers us greater insight in to our ‘unique gifts’ that make us who we are, and our preferences for how we like to orientate ourselves in the world. Through this heightened self-awareness clients can continue to build their strengths and develop areas for personal and professional growth. - DiSC Profile The DiSC Styles – DiSC Profile
DiSC is a personality and behavioural assessment used to improve teamwork, communication and productivity. - FIRO B Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) (
The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO) assessment helps us better understand our needs and how they can influence our communication style and behaviour. Benefits of FIRO include helping individuals and teams strengthen communications to achieve overall goals and deliverables. - Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Managing Conflict Using the TKI® Assessment | The Myers-Briggs Co. (
In our everyday lives conflict exists and can be both challenging and yet also growth-enhancing. By better understanding how we respond to conflict can help us develop strategies to manage it in a way that is more effective for us and others. Developing awareness of how a team’s profile looks in relation to handling conflict can also provide a great opportunity for further team growth.
In the words of Indira Ghandi ‘you can’t shake hands with a clenched fist’.
Action Learning Sets
Action Learning – Better Things Together (
Action learning involves people coming together as a group, over a set period of time, with the purpose of enabling and empowering individual group members to solve their own problems. The group, led by a facilitator, is supported over the life of the action learning set to establish a rhythm of working that generates group and individual benefits. Participating in action learning sets includes:
- learning from others
- developing leadership skills, knowledge and behaviours
- achieving the desired impact at work